Two Smart People

Two Smart People (1946)

Passed 04 Jun 1946 • Crime, Drama, Romance • 1h 33m

Criminal Ace Connors agrees to return to New York and stand trial for stealing $500,000 worth of bonds so he can serve a light five-year sentence and enjoy his loot (safely stowed away in the cover of a cook book) when he gets out. Detective Bob Simms is tasked with escorting Connors back to New York. With five days for the cross-country trip, Connors plans for stops in Texas and New Orleans to have a few final days of fun before he goes to prison. Ricki Woodner, a con artist who met Connors at his hotel, is persuaded by Fly Feletti (a bitter colleague of Connors) to get close to Connors and take the bonds. She joins Connors and Simms on the train and Ricki and Ace start falling for each other. Feletti wants the bonds and keeps an eye on Ricki to make sure she doesn't double-cross him. After a romantic detour into Mexico, Ace, Ricki, and Simms head to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras celebration, with Feletti close behind.

Jules Dassin
Ethel Hill, Leslie Charteris, Ralph Wheelwright
Lucille Ball, John Hodiak, Lloyd Nolan

Language: English, Spanish, French, Latin
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 28 Jun 2016
Box Office Total:


IMDb (642 votes)